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Tokyo Sky Mile Tower to double Burj Khalifa


If the plans are accepted – ‘Sky Mile Tower’ would be surrounded by a series of man-made hexagonal islands, that are designed to protect Tokyo from flooding and act as foundation for homes for around half a million people.

The tower and satellite islands also come equipped with wind, solar and algae farms to provide electricity and its façades have been designed to collect, filter and store water from the elements of the surrounding weather.

All vertical population movement will be make use of Thyssen Krupp’s cable-free, magnetic levitation elevators, which can run vertically and horizontally.

Assuming it is approved, the man-made marvel is set to be completed by 2045.

This Is What Tokyo Will Look Like in 2045—Including Its Mile-High Skyscraper . . . [ms-protect-content]

The ambitious plan includes a 5,577-foot tall tower, twice the size of the Burj Khalifa

By Nick Mafi and posted on the Architectural Digest on 3 February 2016.

A rendering shows the plan by Kohn Pedersen Fox Assoc. and Leslie E. Robertson Assoc. for “Next Tokyo.”

According to a report from the World Health Organization, in 2014 cities accounted for 54% of the total global population, up from 34% in 1960, and continue to grow.  This upward trend, coupled with rising sea levels from global warming, may leave some of the world’s major metropolises vulnerable to overpopulation and massive flooding, among other natural concerns.  In Japan, officials decided to launch an initiative called “Next Tokyo,” where architects would create a futuristic mega-city that is adapted to climate change in the year 2045.  Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates and Leslie E. Robertson Associates joined forces to propose a vision for a new city in Tokyo Bay.  Their design incorporates elements that improve the bay’s preparedness for natural disasters (such as earthquakes and typhoons) as well as a mile-high residential tower and a public-transportation-friendly district.  The water development’s hexagonal-shaped structures, ranging from 500 to 5,000 feet in width, were imagined in layers to minimize the effects of intense waves from the bay, while also allowing ships easy access in and out of the busy harbour.

Tokyo Mile High Tower

What’s more, some structures would be prefilled with water, allowing access to islands that are public beach harbours and urban farming plots.  Salt water from the bay would also be retained to grow algae, a source of renewable and clean fuel.  One component of the plan that has drawn much attention is the mile-high skyscraper.  Sky Mile Tower, as it’s being called, would soar some 5,577 feet—twice the height of the Burj Khalifa, the world’s current tallest building.

The residential mega-skyscraper would house 55,000 (roughly the population of White Plains, New York), with multilevel sky lobbies where residents would share amenities such as shopping centres, restaurants, hotels, gyms, libraries, and health clinics.  The building’s hexagonal design was conceived after a battery of wind tests proved the aerodynamics of the shape produced the most wind-resistant results.  One major concern for the architects was pumping and distributing water to people a mile in the sky; they addressed the issue by designing a façade that could collect, treat, and store water at various levels in the tower, while relying on gravity for a natural distribution.  Representatives from “Next Tokyo” believe the value of new waterfront properties in Tokyo Bay could help pay for the project’s construction, should the proposal go through.

The community would power itself via kinetic energy from public transportation running in and out of the bay, as well as solar panels, wind turbines, and algae grown on-site.

Reading the article on the Architectural Digest is most advised.

Further reading is on the Mirror of 6 February 2016


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